Crystal Globe Grey Lamp Berger Art Edition

A generous awakening of the senses and emotions, a priceless work of art to be contemplated and breathed in, offering you a new perception of the world.

Width 12.5 cm
Length 12.5 cm
Height 17.0 cm
Capacity 724 ml
Reference 005804
Change the burner after it has been lit 200 times or every year.
Remove the burner from the lamp if you do not intend to use it for several weeks.
Use Air Pur to maintain your burner.
Using fragrances other than those of Maison Berger can seriously damage your burner.
Following all these advices; you can be sure of getting the best out of your catalytic lamp.

In mass-coloured crystal, this Crystal Globe Grey Lamp Berger Art Edition will look lovely in your interior. This lamp has two crystal layers, a first transparent one, then a second black layer, giving it its pleasant colour nuance. A set of hand-cut waves give movement to this spherical object, for a modern and refined result.