Woodland Fairy Scented Bouquet

Bring a touch of enchantment into your space with this Woodland Fairy Scented Bouquet. Its Woodland Fairy fragrance, imbued with exotic notes, conjures a captivating and sophisticated ambiance, offering a singular sensory voyage.

    The harmonious blend of this fragrance gives way to new imagination where difference rhymes with acceptance, sharing and conviviality. All the know-how and cultures of the world inspire a patchwork of gentle and convivial notes, enlivened by vibrant and creative touches, and this association is what forms the attraction.
    • Top noteBergamot Zest, Fig
    • Heart noteAtlas Cedarwood, Violet, Warm milk
    • Base noteSandalwood, Musk, Amber
    Width 7.0 cm
    Length 7.0 cm
    Height 21.5 cm
    Material Glass
    Capacity 125 ml
    Fragrance volume 100 ml
    Colour Transparent
    Reference 007593
    Regulatory information Isopropanol. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
    Diffusion time (+/-) 4 weeks
    Transparent Glaçon Bouquet
    Woodland Fairy Scented Bouquet Refill 100ml
    6 black sticks 21cm
    This gift pack contains a Woodland Fairy 100ml gift refill.
    Regularly turn your sticks to reactivate the scent.
    To adjust the olfactory intensity of your fragrance; adjust the number of sticks.
    Change your sticks with each refill and each new fragrance.

    As part of the Maison Berger Paris range, the Woodland Fairy Scented Bouquet metamorphoses your home into a tranquil sanctuary.

    The Woodland Fairy fragrance whisks you away on a distinctive olfactory voyage. It commences with refreshing top notes of zesty bergamot and fig. The heart deftly merges Atlas cedar, violet, and warm milk, reminiscent of a forest walk. Lastly, the base notes of sandalwood, musk, and contemporary amber infuse softness and sensuality for an unparalleled sensory journey.

    The sleek, contemporary design of this scented bouquet seamlessly complements all interior styles. It is supplied with a 100 ml scented bouquet refill, ready to imbue your home with the scents of Woodland Fairy for approximately 4 weeks.