Orange Cinnamon Bouquet Refill 200ml

Orange Cinnamon is the heady scent of end-of-year festivities. Try it out and create a warm environment that will delight your guests.

    The freshness of citrus fruits combined with the warmth of spices and candied fruits, warmed with a note of amber and sensual white musk
    • Top noteGinger, Orange
    • Heart noteTonka beans, Nutmeg, Cinnamon
    • Base noteCoconut, Vanilla, Musk
    Fragrance volume 200 ml
    Reference 006032
    To ensure your well-being; our products meet an extremely strict quality charter.
    Fragrance guaranteed without any colourants.
    Regularly turn your sticks to reactivate the scent.
    To adjust the olfactory intensity of your fragrance; adjust the number of sticks.
    Change your sticks with each refill and each new fragrance.

    The freshness of citrus fruits combined with the warmth of spices and candied fruits, warmed with a note of amber and sensual white musk.